Invest in your health: become a Synergy Member today!
Monthly chiropractic care has so many benefits! Make a commitment to your health today by becoming a member of Synergy. Avoid flare-ups, sleep better, enjoy more energy, flexibility, and strength with an easy membership plan. Members also enjoy discounted fees and get priority on the waiting list.
Tune-up Monthly Membership - $75
Your payment autodrafts on the first of each month, and includes one Tune-Up visit, as well as the option to purchase additional visits as needed at this price - it’s like a permanent discount! Read on for testimonials from our happy monthly members, and email me here if you’d like to sign up today. Welcome aboard!
“Membership is awesome! If, like me, Dr. Sue fixes your life AND your back/neck/weird body problems, then you NEED to get a membership today. Synergy Membership = 12/10 definitely recommend for anyone who wants to have a happy, healthy body and spine”
“Before, I would come in mostly when I “needed” to, and it meant I would come in a lot when something hurt, and less when nothing hurt. Now, I come in at least once a month either way, and I’m finding that less hurts overall, and we just pick up where we left off. Financially, it evens out to be similar, too: I come in more consistently, but that consistency causes fewer issues, and the membership discount is great for when I do come in a couple of extra times. ”
“Dr Sue has brought more significant and long lasting healing to my body than any other practitioner I’ve ever worked with and I’ve worked with A LOT. My posture is permanently improved by 90%, my upper back pain is virtually eliminated, and the maintenance sessions knock out any new pain or soreness I incur. I love how she doesn’t just do the crack crack and send me out. She spends time using a combination of massage, muscle activation, and other techniques to ensure the adjustment is fully effective. Couldn’t recommend her more! ”
“I am so grateful to be a monthly member, because it reminds me to prioritize my health. I tend to put off my own needs and take care of everyone else’s. With this membership I am now regularly scheduled to make sure I stay healthy. Thanks Dr. Sue for making it easier to take care of myself!”